A lovely black & white project

I came across this whilst browsing in a Lisbon bookshop on Sunday. Sometimes a body of work just grabs your attention and this project by Daniel Blaufuks did just that. I was spellbound.

‘Lisboa Cliché’ is a delightful soft cover book which is the result of a photographer’s mission to make good use of his time during ‘confinement’ - Portugal’s version of the pandemic lockdown. The images are not new but from Daniel’s archive as a photojournalist. I won’t repeat the back story to the project but you can read more about the project and view a selection of the images here.

The images themselves have a very personal feel to them and many have a strong sense of nostalgia. I love Blaufuks’ use of contrast, with deep inky blacks and a natural softness which, I assume, was achieved by shooting on film. The collection is a combination of street photography, photojournalism and personal work.

The images were all shot on film, mostly Tri-X.

The book itself is available on Amazon but it’s much cheaper if you happen to be in Lisbon and buy a copy there (about €24). The text is in Portuguese but the book is worth buying for the images alone.


Ask the Street Photographer: Joanna Macintyre


Street photography in a small town