Are you using VERO yet?

Have you come across the VERO app yet? If not, you soon will. It’s being hailed as the new great alternative to Instagram and it appears to be getting a lot of traction amongst ‘serious’ street photographers. The majority of those ‘serious’ photographers seem to be increasingly disillusioned with Instagram, with its focus on video, influencers and advertising; once a great place to showcase your work, Insta is now a commercial money-making behemoth which doesn’t really have its heart in quality photography any longer.

Step in VERO who’s aim, I’m sure, is to fill the gap in which genuine photographers can showcase their work and engage with each other in a more meaningful way. There’s no advertising, no image compression (your pictures will look great), it works from a desktop PC or Mac as well as mobile devices and you can post images in their original aspect ratio. I’m still finding my way around it and if you would like to check out my profile as an example of how it looks, I’m here.


A guest blogger’s views on the RPS!


Ask the Street Photographer: Santos Álvarez León