Dublin Street Photography Festival

Coming up in May we have the Dublin Street Photography Festival, where you’ll see some big international names exhibiting their work - Gustavo Minas, Matt Stuart, Olga Karlovac, Tatsuo Suzuki, Melissa O’Shaunessy and - er - some bloke called Brian Lloyd Duckett. I feel quite humbled to be in the same exhibition as some of these street photography luminaries.

The festival takes place in the Charlemont Square area of the city and you’ll be in for a weekend of talks, workshops, exhibitions and of course lots of Guinness. It takes place from the 3rd to the 6th of May and it would be great to see lots of you there. I'm also running a workshop on the Sunday of the festival and I think there are a couple of places left so do check that out (book your place via the festival website, not through me).

As well as exhibiting and workshopping, I’m on the judging panel and will be giving a talk on the Sunday evening about ‘20 things I’ve learned as a street photographer’.

I hope to see you there!


Fujifilm X100vi - to buy or not to buy?


Join us at the UK Photography Show next week!