Why I took this photo

This has nothing to do with what I think about our boys and girls in the police force - I think they do a grand job. But I can’t resist making a good connection and, when I see a work like ‘lice’, I’m starting to look around for a connection of juxtaposition.

So there’s nothing clever or complex going on here - I just saw the word ‘lice’ and I thought: ‘There must be something I can do with this’.

In every town and city we are surrounded by signs: street signs, posters, banners, stuff in shop windows, advertising on buses or metros, public information notices - even car number plates. And it’s all good fodder for street photographers.

If you look closely enough, there’s often a connection to be made between the words around you and the people or things close to them; with a bit of luck, these connections can be playful, whimsical or downright funny. Look at every single sign you see, then think about the creative possibilities and about what other element you need to make the sign work for you. Sometimes, even the sign on its own is enough to make a smile-inducing image!

I guess I’m what you could call an ‘observational’ street photographer. I’m less into the ‘lightscape’ stuff we see lots of on Instagram and more into whimsical, playful or witty interpretations of everyday life.




A guest blogger’s views on the RPS!