A video showcasing my students’ work

From my street photography workshop students . . .

Every year I make a short video to showcase the work of my students - and by ‘students’ I mean people who have attended one of my workshops. 

Once someone has completed a workshop they’re invited to join the StreetSnappers Collective, an alumni network of people from around the world. We have members of all abilities, from those very new to street photography to those who’ve been doing it for years. We have those who have a more aesthetically based approach, using light, shade, colour and shape - those who have a more documentary approach, using street photography to construct narratives or tell stories - and those who are more observational street photographers, like me. 

The images you’ll see in this video are self-curated and I invited students to send me one image of their choice for inclusion in the video. When you’re looking through these, please bear in mind that some are shot by complete beginners and others by experienced street shooters. So be kind!

I hope you’ll agree: there’s a rich diversity of style and approach and I’d just like to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who submitted an image. You can see the video here.


Street photography in Lisbon


Your stories of insipration - Ginny Wren