Street photography in Lisbon

You may know that I’m a big fan of Lisbon - as both a holiday destination and as one of the best cities on earth in which to shoot street photography. I’ve just returned from a week in Lisbon and I thought I would share a few of my images with you.

Because I take relatively few pictures of my own during workshops (other than for demonstration purposes), I usually allow for 2-3 days for my own shooting both before and after the workshop. The images you’ll see in my gallery are a mixture of street photography, abstracts and travel photography (and you’ll see a couple of pics of workshop participants doing their thing). I’m also working on images for a couple of Lisbon based projects but I’m keeping those under my hat for the time being.

Lisbon is the most photogenic and beguiling of cities for the street photographer and I thoroughly recommend it: the amazing light, the architecture, the river, the charming people, the Latin American vibe, the climate - and of course the food & drink (best not to mention pastel de nata, Portuguese custard tarts - I think I ate my body weight in these last week).

If you fancy a workshop in Lisbon, my next one is a 3-day workshop on 10-12 May 2024 and there are two places still available. Full details are here.

In the meantime, my image gallery is here - I hope you enjoy it. I’ll be uploading a second gallery shortly which will showcase the workshop participants’ great work.


Black & white street photography in Venice


A video showcasing my students’ work