The Street Photography Blog

News, views and insights from the world of documentary & street photography

Brian Lloyd Duckett Brian Lloyd Duckett

My new book - a street photography monograph

‘Observed’ has now been published and I still have a few copies left. You can now buy a copy of my new monograph - a collection of observational street photography images.

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Brian Lloyd Duckett Brian Lloyd Duckett

Instagram for street photographers

I’m often asked about social media and it’s relevance (or otherwise) to street photographers. Is it a force for good or evil? Is it worth all the effort or is it a waste of time? Does it attract the right or the wrong sort of followers? Does it provide us with inspiration or false hope? In this article we look at some of the key questions - and provide some answers.

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Brian Lloyd Duckett Brian Lloyd Duckett

Zine of the Week - from Marco Sandner

My street photography zine of the week features the work of Marco Sandner, from Cologne, who started his project during one of my street photography workshops!

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Brian Lloyd Duckett Brian Lloyd Duckett


Is Rome any good for street photography? I used to think so but following a recce trip in July I’m not so sure. Read on to find out more…

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Brian Lloyd Duckett Brian Lloyd Duckett


We often hear about ‘working the scene’ as a street photography technique. Here’s an example of how it works in practice - shot last weekend in Liverpool. 

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Brian Lloyd Duckett Brian Lloyd Duckett

Some great street photography from my students

At the end of 2021 I invited my workshop students from that year to submit their top five images from the year and, from those, I picked my favourites. The video below is a slide show of images from this lovely group.

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Brian Lloyd Duckett Brian Lloyd Duckett

Street photography in Lisbon

Whatever flavour of street photography interests you, there’s plenty in Lisbon to keep you engaged and it’s a city which lends itself to monochrome shooting as much as it does colour.

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Media equiries

Brian is happy to provide journalists with thought leadership, opinion and news from the world of street & documentary photography. Please contact him to discuss your assignment or project!